Thursday, October 23, 2008

In Class October 23, 2008

* my computer glitched, so my notes were unsaved till this point in class *

If evidence does not fit the defendent, then you must acquit the defendant.
- Grounded in community values (major premise: unstated)
-The glove is evidence (unstated minor prmise)
-The glove doesn't fit the defendant (stated minor prmise)
"If the glvoe doesn't fit, you must acquit"

- Someone needs medical help
- A doctor is certified to help with medical emergency problems
- Holiday Inn guests are smart
"A holiday inn guest is smarter than a doctor"

Major Premise(general class): Smart people are the best people to handle difficult situations
Minor Premise (specific case): People who stay at a Holiday Inn Express are smart
Argument: We need someone who stayed at the Holidy Inn Express to help this man

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