Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ARCS Act. 5 pg 153

ARCS Activity 5 pg 153

After researching the news and internet for something that sprung away from the “meltdown” of our economy debate, I finally found two articles comment on the SNL skit over Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin. Looking at Time, which is a liberal point of view and USA Today; a conservative view point I noticed some interesting differences between the two news websites.
The whole story behind SNL and Sarah Palin, was SNL’s cast member Tina Fey who has created the identical Sarah Palin keeps airing on SNL and people are starting to complain that SNL might be using the “Sarah Palin” skit as a political campaign.
The USA Today version of the event was really laid back and relaxed. The article took the commonplace theme of saying that SNL has never had an impact on the nominees for a political presidential race. The article talks about how everybody knows that SNL is for fun. They even have Sarah Palin commenting on how funny Tina Fey really is and how well she can pull off looking like her identical twin.
Times do not like the idea of having SNL as a commonplace for political satire to actually make news. Times article starts to talk about how this is not good for Palin’s stance in the political race and how it will affect voters. The article goes on by saying that voters might even get mixed up feelings on who is the “real” Palin.
I do not know much about politics and I am no genius with defining what truly is ideological, but from reading these two articles over a little political humor I get a deeper understanding that the ideology of shows and skits over things that people care deeply about will always have a bigger influence on the party that is left in the dark. The ideology of shows is feeling familiar with the way it’s ran; like SNL, everybody is familiar with not taking the show out of context; that is why SNL has Tina Fey saying things like “Katie (Couric) can I use one of my life lines?” (making fun of when Palin went on the Katie Couric show).

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