Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In Class Notes October 28, 2008

What is ethos?
-good character
-good sense

*1st, 2nd, 3rd person "distance" and "voice"
*active vs passive
* qualifiers
* word choec
* punctuation

Parents example pg 315.
Good Sense: making the argument- "if we do x, y will happen" Examples- 1st person word choice (pairing)
Qualifier- "it is a complex matter"

Goodwill: acknowledges parents, emotions, values
- word choice confidence, grace
- QUALIFIERS (some...most)

Good Character:
  • (agressiveness toward parents)
  • (trust)/ (responsible)/ (fair)/ (honest)
  • Situates herself as an advocate for both parents and students
  • word choices
  • examples (first person)

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