Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ARCS Act 1 pg 186

The first sentence of the article I thought used Enthymematic proof because it had the “thus it follows that” indicated by “therefore;” plane crash kills and injures passengers therefore investigations by federal aviation officials are investigating accident.

A NTSB Public Affairs Officer Petter Kundson used an example of maxim in his quote which read, “Oftentimes, we find that as we collect more information, the picture changes.” The quote uses a wise saying that everybody generally understands and accepts its analogy. It clearly deals with human actions that are being chosen on what is happening and what to do with the problem at hand.

The last paragraph talks about the only two survivors of the plane crash and uses signs to help identify its logical proof. The text claims that the two passengers, Travis Barker and DJ AM both experienced plane crash accidents which was the real event in the sign and now their state of affairs are they suffered severe burns because of the crash.

Shredded Tires, Debris Likely Caused Travis Barker's Plane Crash:
Federal aviation officials looking into last month's crash that killed four people and critically injured Travis Barker and DJ AM are focusing on bare tires and debris on the runway as the causes of the fate of the doomed Learjet and those onboard. The National Transportation Safety Board said Wednesday that the aircraft's wheels had very little rubber remaining and its brakes were severely damaged. The plane crashed upon an aborted takeoff around midnight Sept. 19. "Oftentimes, we find that as we collect more information, the picture changes," said NTSB Public Affairs Officer Peter Knudson, who said the physical evidence of the crash – such as skid marks and the condition of the brakes – is being analyzed. The cockpit voice recorder indicated that crewmembers expressed their belief that a tire blew as the jet was on the runway. Having both suffered severe burns in the crash, Barker, 32, and DJ AM (real name: Adam Goldstein), 35, are now expected to recover fully.
The wreckage of the Learjet carrying Travis Barker, Adam Goldstein and four others Photo by: Brett Flashnick / AP

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