Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ARCS Act. 4 pg 153

My topic is going to be over TV violence.

Common Topic of Conjecture:
- There is parent lock on television sets
- All kids will inevitable be exposed to violence one way or another
- When there was not any televised programs there were comic books that had violence
- There are TV ratings to help get an idea of what is going to be on the show, just like how there are movie ratings

Common Topic of Degree:
- Not all TV is bad. PBS, Disney, and other kids network shows use fun and entertaining ways to even help educate kids while watching the program
- TV violence may be bad in the U.S. but not as bad as in other countries who do not even have a TV to stem ideas from violent programs aired
- Violent TV programs may cause a reaction to kids giving off the vibe of hurting others is actually not all fun and games
- There is always going to be a disclaimer on violent shows, it is up to parents to reinforce that disclaimer

Common Topic of Possibility:
- Maybe violent programs will only air past a certain time where kids would be asleep or at school. Example- Adult Swim on Cartoon Network starts running their “violent” and “adult” cartoons at 10 p.m.
- You can never take away TV programs and the violent shows that maybe aired. There will always be violence and there will always be a show that airs that violence

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