Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week Update

In the past few classes we have had I feel like Im running into the dark with the ideas and thoughts that are discussed during class. We look and talk about examples, but I don't understand what we are supposed to be looking for in the examples themselves. I understand the exploratory essay and the letter of inquiry, but in class when we are trying to relate that back to those assignments I find them irrelevant, and that is because I am lost in the explanations of the given in-class assignments. When we are paired up in partners to discuss the packet we have been looking at all last week, I have gained zero value in doing so, because its has been the same over and over ideas throughout the packet from the beginning and there is no more further questions and ideas to be dicussed with a partner. I feel that doing it as a class as a whole generates more discussions and ideas then individual partners. I also feel that we no longer blog during class, which gives me some time indvidually to take a minute and refelct what are class discussion was and raise some questions I had or just thought of, which is nice when we do our out of class assignments and readings.

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