Sunday, September 7, 2008

Response to Exploratory Essay

The first thing I did to start my Exploratory Essay was to research on the Internet on someone who uses professional writing in their daily job. I wanted the field to be about something I was interested in and had relatively small connections with the field. This way when I wrote my essay and when I wrote my essay and when I would interview this person I could retrospectively account my writing.
After, I found the Big Brother & Big Sister organization and was interested in researching how the math support specialist professionally wrote their evaluations for the clients, families, and other employees & team members at the Big Brother Big Sister Organization.
Next, I took the reading that was assigned in class by Jack Stelzer. I used his research and finding on the engineer he observed to conduct questions of my own for when i observe the Match Support Specialist.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your description here of using Jack Selzer's articles to prompt questions you might ask of yor own research subject. Were you conducting a more thorough analysis of your writing process for composing this essay, you would want to provide more detailed description and analysis of your reading and writing practices. Which aspects of Selzer's article did you find to be most helpful or interesting? How did you go about translating Selzer's research questions into ones that seemed to be appropriate to ask of your own research subject?