Tuesday, September 23, 2008

in class observation activity

My first observation of the picture is that its a very small and active classroom. The atmosphere seems very relaxed and comfortable allowing the students to feel and express their opinions. The time of the day is either early morning or mid-afternoon. The time of day definitely affects the moods of students who are willing to learn. These students look very attentive. The students have laptops to maybe blog questions and/or answers or they could just be taking notes. Now, its almost easier for students to type faster than writing allowing more time to tentatively listen to the teacher and interact more in the classroom discussions.

When observing for the free write in-class asignment I did not take notes right away. I wanted to listen in how the two writers talked and collobrated their work together. They at first asked each other if they were in the PWE major. One said yes the other said no. The one that said no then said to the the student majoring in PWE if she could fill her in for what is required for a PWE major. The intial process of their paragraph was to brainstorm and talk amounst themselves then type. They would re-evaluate their sentence and discuss questions like how this would help them in a career after college. They also took what they are doing in this class and discussed how its relevent to the PWE major.

Reflection on Observating:
What i notice myself doing was thinking of ways that I would go about the writing process. This then prosed new theories and questions of my own when observing somebody else in their working atmosphere. As I kept observing I looked more and more for the verbal revisions amoung the writers. I observed how the writers were feeding off of one anothers ideas and then collaborating on a sentence. What I was doing while just observing was inferencing my observations on the spot. I wanted to ask questions like why did you choose to talk about a particular class versus another class. I observed that the writer/typer was creating more ideas than the other writer who was not typing. I think its because its the "mindset" if you will say that I am in charge of writing/typing, even thought the writers are in the same playing/collaborating process.

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