Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Class 9/2 notes/discussion

Define: discourse community? 
 - Discourse: "identity kit" comes w/an appropriate costume and instructions on how to act and talk as the member of a specific community

"Being trained as an engineer, one learns how to speak, think, and act like an engineer" - James G. 

Looking outside of the Professional Writing and Editing jobs and specifications of that particular "community" I am the treasurer as well as a member of them team for the Women's Club Volleyball Team at WVU. Each club forms sort of its own community. We hold specific events together or hold events among other club teams at WVU. The fellow officers and I have to write out reports at the end of the year. I have to read and balance the club check books and accounts. We have to e-mail and communicate with other university teams whom we want to travel too and play in their tournament. The officers and I also run practices and have to be a coach as well as a player. This is difficult, because of how we choose to communicate when we are a coach or the player. Being strict, having fun. 

  • How does the social perspective apply to my work as a professional writer?
  • What kinds of things do you need to know in order to be a member of that group? 
  • How do group members' communicate w/ one another? Sanctioning. 
  • What subjects are/ are not appropriate for discussion? How do we discuss them?
Specific genres become used as forms of communication.
Learning lingo- understanding concepts and expectations

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