Thursday, September 25, 2008

Graffiti Video

  • Discussing using brainstormed pictures
  • Collaborating together while facing one another in front of the wall they are about to spray paint
  • Wearing gloves and "casual" attire
  • Looks like its in the morning or the beginning of the start of evening
  • One person at a time doing the work. Others maybe standing off to the side giving their opinions as the process of spray painting is being done.
  • Each time something is spray painted the artists step back and observe and discuss
  • Collaborating ideas before/while spray painting
  • Talked about having around 100 outlines
  • Talks about needing a first outline.
  • Then you fill it then that replaces the first outline and then you add color and that takes then replaces the last outline- so there is a "process" that the artists follow in order to create/produce their designs/work
  • The further along the process becomes the more collaborating and discussion about what to do next
  • Discussing colors/ arguing and persuading one another about which color would look the "best"
  • Uses hand motions to express and form ideas

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