Monday, November 17, 2008

ARCS Act. 1&3 pg. 364

Act. 1
From the DA:
- Sports Section.“Darryl ‘Truck’ Byrant”- This is an example of an Antonomasia, because it is a descriptive word used to describe a proper name.
- Main Page. “Reach out across campus”- This is an example of a Synecdoche, because the reach out across campus refers to assistance.
- News Section. “Sleepy Sunday” – Example of a Catachresis, because it is describing Sunday as sleepy, which does not exist.

From Internet Ad:
- “Great Depression II” – Example of Antonomasia and/or Metonymy, because it is using the event Great Depression to refer to something bad and it is also using the event to relate to an up and coming similar situation.

From Internet Article:
- “Koby Bryant is no Michael Jordan” – example of a Hyperbole, because it is used to strain the truth about Koby.

- “Just Do It”- example of Metonymy, because that advertisement slogan is associated with Nike.
- “NOBAMA”- example of Hyperbaton, because it uses the word No and Obama and puts them together to create a campaign slogan that is a parody.

Act. 2
I used a passage by Mark Twain in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”
Original Passage:
“By and by he rolled out and jumped up to his feet looking wild, and he see me and went for me. He chased me round and round the place with a clasp knife, calling me the Angel of death, and saying he would kill me, and then I couldn’t come for him no more. I begged, and told him I was only Huck; but he laughed such a screechy laugh, an roared and cussed, and kept on chasing me up.”

*What I changed is in bold

New Passage:
“By and by he rolled out and jumped up like a bat out of hell, and he see me and went for me. Whoosh, he chased me round and round the place with a clasp knife, calling me the Angel of death, and saying he would kick the bucket on me , and then I couldn’t come for him no more. I begged like pigs on a farm, and told him I was only Huck, the adventurer; his laughter sounded like nails on a chalk board, an roared and cussed, and kept on chasing me up.”

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Class Notes November 11

Arrangement- ideally, the rhetorical situation influences the writers decisions


Cicero's 6 part decision for discourse:
  1. Exordium: Introduction; more direct. Maybe by giving an example (story, image)>Insinuation
  2. Narration: Statement of issue
  3. Partition: divide the issue into its major parts
  4. Confirmaton: major supporting arguments (evidence, examples, and analysis)
  5. Refutation: anticipating and responding to objection
  6. Peroration: Conclusion


  1. Would people analyze the same data in a different way?
  2. People have other data that would challenge/complicate your analysis
  3. Our data, our analysis challenges other people's interpertations
  4. Qualifying a statment on assertion

Rehtorical Situation:

If someone was to read my reserach ideas and questions of the Case Manager at BBBS, im sure they would interpret things differently.

ARCS Act 2&3 pg. 318

Act. 2
In Senator John McCain’s concession speech about President-elect Barak Obama, displays examples of narratives, partitions, and perorations.

In a simple statement McCain states his narrative point: My friends, we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly. A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Sen. Barack Obama — to congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love.
This statement depicts the narrative point that he has lost this presidential race and is now honoring the rightful candidate who clearly won the American people’s vote.

Using partitions, here is an example throughout McCain’s speech that he names the issue in dispute: Sen. Obama and I have had and argued our differences, and he has prevailed. No doubt many of those differences remain. These are difficult times for our country, and I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face.
I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next president our goodwill and earnest effort to find ways to come together, to find the necessary compromises, to bridge our differences and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world, and leave our children and grandchildren a stronger, better country than we inherited.
Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans. And please believe me when I say no association has ever meant more to me than that.

McCain, later also uses the second function in performing partition, where he lists the arguments in order as they have happened throughout the election process. He first identifies that he and Sen. Obama have had their differences, but he has won. Then he goes on to tell his supporters that they must move on as well and help “bridge” their differences with what is to come in our very near future.

In the concession speech to sum up everything the peroration was stated like this: I would not be an American worthy of the name, should I regret a fate that has allowed me the extraordinary privilege of serving this country for a half a century. Today, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much. And tonight, I remain her servant. That is blessing enough for anyone and I thank the people of Arizona for it.
Tonight — tonight, more than any night, I hold in my heart nothing but love for this country and for all its citizens, whether they supported me or Sen. Obama, I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president.
And I call on all Americans, as I have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties but to believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here.

McCain, sums up his speech by reiterating that he has served this country and will continue serving his country with pride. He brings the attention to people who have disagreed with the President-elect’s decision by commenting on how he will put his trust in Sen. Obama, as should everyone who has supported his campaign should do now; and he brings the attention to ALL Americans to believe in a country where there are no ends to possibilities that are created here. Throughout this, you can also get a sense of sympathy he posses on himself by saying, “, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much. And tonight, I remain her servant.”

Act. 3

If Shapiro were to write for a smaller publication, I do not see any reason why she would have to “tone”, or “modify” her original article. People read the press for a good reason, and that is to find “newsworthy” articles not something that has been sugar coated, because of a particular place where it has been published. So, no I do not think there is anything wrong with what she has wrote about the education and parents involvement at universities.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

ARCS ACT 1&4 pg 283

2. Taste is something I find unreliable. For example, many things taste like something else like chicken. Chicken has a “universal” taste that could cause someone who can not use their other senses to identify what they are eating could possibly trick them into what really was the right food. Touch might also seem like a deceiving sense, because let’s say you are blindfolded you probably couldn’t tell the difference without using your other senses whether you were feeling a rigid rock or sandpaper. A person’s testimony of their senses could develop an argument with someone else’s testimony of their senses, because it is all based out of ones opinion and people find that person truthful and reliable. Some people would trust a blind person to identify a distinct smell because they have to develop a keen sense of smell to live their lives versus a person who is able to see what they smell.

4. In the text they talk about how rhetoricians never take anyone’s testimony at face value without motives and witnesses. Using this as a helpful tool in my research project, the person I am studying is under my very own testimony. It could be that we have a phone interview and he tells me all these facts, but if I do not observe face to face what he is talking about than I may be lied to. Seeing is believing in this world and you can never be sure if someone is telling you the truth without seeing it for yourself.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

ARCS pg 263 act 1,4,6

1)    1)  Scene: the crowd of fans is on their toes with excitement and anticipation whether the Mountaineers will get the must-needed touchdown to win the game. Breathing hard from nervous and sweat and the pressure of 1000’s and 1000 are of eyes watching the quarterback for the Mountaineers gets the snap. Face dripping with sweat, eyes concentrated on the pass…he makes the throw. Fans screaming as they see the pass in the air, their faces tight with anticipated pain of what is going to happen. To receive the ball they win to miss this pass the let down to moving on to the National Championship yet again. The pass was caught and the Mountaineers score!! Everybody is excited and energetic making the atmosphere ecstatic from the big win that the team just pulled off.


4) If you look in the paper of the DA under the help wanted, its really funny to read what the little blurbs say to catch the attention of their readers; especially college readers. They all have the job title in bold as well as how much money you can make if you apply. They usually say, “Fast Cash,” or “no experience necessary needed.” They are also those advertisements from the local bars, like today Mutt’s advertisement says you can get your picture taken with the raccoon and pumpkin from 10-12 or the Lazy Lizard has golden ticket night every Thursday that allows you to pass for free cover and free drink specials from 9-11; this is all to attract the attention of new and old customers.


6) I noticed reading a local article about Halloween safety tips when trick-or-treating. The article uses pejorative terms such as, “caution,” “the best way…”, “increasingly,” etc. This just shows that ethos of the article is implementing safety. The values are clear about what the community likes to read and focus there attention on which is children and their safety. So by using words that relate to safety draws the attention and the emotion that appeals to their readers. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In Class Notes October 28, 2008

What is ethos?
-good character
-good sense

*1st, 2nd, 3rd person "distance" and "voice"
*active vs passive
* qualifiers
* word choec
* punctuation

Parents example pg 315.
Good Sense: making the argument- "if we do x, y will happen" Examples- 1st person word choice (pairing)
Qualifier- "it is a complex matter"

Goodwill: acknowledges parents, emotions, values
- word choice confidence, grace
- QUALIFIERS (some...most)

Good Character:
  • (agressiveness toward parents)
  • (trust)/ (responsible)/ (fair)/ (honest)
  • Situates herself as an advocate for both parents and students
  • word choices
  • examples (first person)

ARCS pg 230 act 1,2,6

Activity 1
In one of my English classes I have had to become an “expert” on press releases. I have looked at numerous printed and online press releases. Each writer expresses ethos by identifying their audience. Always following the 5 W’s and the tagalong H is the structure of how they establish character (ethos) in each press release. For an example, ESPN press releases have action pictures and quotes from athletes, coaches, sports analysts, etc. These quotes are the ways that project ethos in each press release, because the facts are coming right from the person. The topic in each press release is focused on generating a newsworthy article that will appeal to journalists who will cover the story in full detail.
Activity 2
Each author does not make a “close” distance relationship with their readers. In a press release it is best to leave out jargon and ego because a press release is simply to state the facts that are most newsworthy and interesting so that a news article maybe developed later on from the media, etc. The voice of the majority of each press release is geared towards the intended audience. ESPN for example uses “sports lingo” because they know that sports viewers, fans, and others who associate their time with sports will understand. The writer also uses really easy words to read quickly and uses numbers and graphics to help create a rhetorical distance for their sports fans/readers.
Activity 6
Ellen DeGeneres.
Dear program writing director,
I feel that the show needs more fun filled games to involve the audience. The doughnut game and marshmellow game is funny and entertaining. So, I have created another game that I fill will spread like wildfire for most popular games played on the show. It involves karaoke and dancing. There will be two randomly chosen audience members and they will have to pick out of a list of artists and the specific song and they will have to sing and dance like that song artists. It will be great. We can even have people send in youtube videos that could lead to a free trip out to LA and come to the show for like a “playoff.” You know how I feel about dancing so why not start my show with dancing and end it with dancing.