Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Class Notes November 11

Arrangement- ideally, the rhetorical situation influences the writers decisions


Cicero's 6 part decision for discourse:
  1. Exordium: Introduction; more direct. Maybe by giving an example (story, image)>Insinuation
  2. Narration: Statement of issue
  3. Partition: divide the issue into its major parts
  4. Confirmaton: major supporting arguments (evidence, examples, and analysis)
  5. Refutation: anticipating and responding to objection
  6. Peroration: Conclusion


  1. Would people analyze the same data in a different way?
  2. People have other data that would challenge/complicate your analysis
  3. Our data, our analysis challenges other people's interpertations
  4. Qualifying a statment on assertion

Rehtorical Situation:

If someone was to read my reserach ideas and questions of the Case Manager at BBBS, im sure they would interpret things differently.

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