Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rhetorical Activites 2&4

2) The closest example I could think of when encountering an example of a argument that really is not an argument, would be the television show "At the movies with Ebert and Roeper." This is a show that has two well known movie critics talk and argue newly released films. Ebert and Roeper both give their audience as well as each other their opinions on what movies are good and bad, but how can they openly "argue" what films are better than others when there is a script that they follow on the prompter next to the cameras. In the text it states, "opinions belong to individuals, while facts belong to everybody" (pg. 15). The show only shows a theatrical sort of argument versus a rhetorical argument, because it is scripted and both Ebert and Roeper are not really listening to each other's opinions and arguments about what films a must see, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you can not change someones opinion or else you would be changing the script of the show and that would no longer be theatrical, which is what everyone whose watching does not want to happen.

4) I believe that every college kid goes through this art of persuasion in which their friends persuade them into going out during the week instead of doing homework. The persuasion starts out with an excuse to do it in the morning or that everyone is going out so you might as well go out and not be a "party pooper." The person who does not want to go out at first is strong with determination of sticking with his/her decision, but as all their friends who bring up all these excuses such as great bar specials or telling you that you really do not have that much to do starts to get you thinking and soon enough you are closing the books and heading out for the night in which you were suppose to be doing homework. I am a Catholic and my religious background automatically puts me in confrontation with others when the word "God" comes into play. For example, my friends and I will be talking about our church services and how some involve fun music and a relaxed atmosphere, but when Catholics such as myself bring up our church service its always that my religion is so old and boring and so completely different from all others. I try to argue that my church is getting better with the "rules" but who am I kidding, except for myself because just like people, religion will never change. So, its very hard to want to argue about my Catholic background, because its really the only religion that has not evolved with time and even my views change about religion over time and I do become accessible to being persuaded on other religions. People who are smokers or overweight can be persuaded to change their habits very quickly. It could be for their significant other who does not like a smoker or he/she is a health nut and only buys healthy foods.
Everyone is easily persuaded, because it is human nature to agree to disagree on any subject that involves an opinion, because opinions are personal.

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