Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Different Jobs for Professional Writers

Reading through some of the articles to get an idea of what kind of jobs are held for a professional writer I realized that there are many freelance writers. I think that makes perfect sense, because not many businesses want to hire one person to write such thing as a project proposal so writers with there technical writing backgrounds would want to be a freelancer so they can be hired by many companies. Other types of jobs that professional writers could be apart of is in the fields of business, science, communications, and law. The type of work a writer would complete for the science field would be to write up a lab review for other colleagues. A professional writer must be accurate with their writings because the point is to be rhetoric giving off only information that is precise and helpful to others. For example, a professional writer who writes for a fortune 500 company whose task was to conduct a proposal to one of their clients about investing in that company, the writer would have to complete that proposal with easy to use words, very short and to the point paragraphs, and accurate information that the client could quickly read and feel comfortable. This kind of task may seem easy, but takes an exhausting thought process and then numerous drafts before the final product could be considered "readable." Other fields that professional writers are based out from consist of magazine editors/writers and researchers, film writers, web designers, being able to report facts for someone, creating presentations, etc. All in all the field of professional writing and editing is becoming more demanding in our society, because everyone has their own opportunity cost of how they value time.

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