Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ideas/ brainstorming PWE positions

  1. How does a PWE stay motivated while working on topics not particularly interesting to him/her?
  2. What does it take for a technical writer's work be respected and used?
  3. What kind of ethics do technical writers have?
  4. How do editors deal with controversial subject or things they don't believe in?
  5. When 2 or more PWE's collaborate on a give project, how do they divide the work and avoid "too many cooks in the kitchen" syndrome?
  6. How do eitors organize their work areas? - How does this affect their work?
  7. How does a technical writer sort through their info to decide what is worth publishing and what can be discarded?
  8. How do editors make the choice to include or exclude material from a book? How do they know what will appeal?
  9. What type of training beyond an undergraduate degree is required to work is marketing and corporate communication?
  10. How do editors know better than a writer, what the audience needs?
  11. How much knowledge should a PWE have on a subject before writing assit/writing with it?

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