Wednesday, August 27, 2008

PWE and its workplace

A professional writer can be the Neo of the Matrix. They potentially could take someone else's studies, thoughts and ideas and write out something for other readers to understand, hence taking a code nobody can read and write something for everyone to understand.

It is important that a professional writer grasp the environment he or she is writing in or for, because communication is key and if he/she writes something that nobody understands that writer breaks communication with whomever is reading their work. For example, the manager of a company writes a memo to its employees about a new policy that is going to take into effect. If the manager uses words that non of his/her staff would understand the point of the memo would be pointless because the communication of the document would not be fully understood by the employees to adopt this new policy, because they did not understand what their manager was trying to say.

The saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words" defines why a writer must be precise with its word choice because words are the only way of communicating when verbal communication is not an option.

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